Born with love for developing and organizing, proud of the retro-romance language learned in Engadin, joined the Hotelschool in Lausanne to get a good nose for peoples demands, enjoys London as the place to be for youngsters.

Chief Organizing

Almost 77” tall, not the guy for an easy Lotos pose but absolutely a Top-Bottom Talent in designing the unexpected and highlighting the natural beauty of every building or concept. Frequent gallery visitor on a worldwide scale.

Early Design Bird

Producing the best doors and windows in the world and with a good design taste for kitchens he is the man to put the cherry on the cake in every building. Starting his working day always at 5.00 am to avoid queues.

Master Carpenter

No matter how big, how complex, how cold or how warm, Martijn enters a building with just one single goal; to register every single detail. Fanatic Surfer in Summer & Winter.

Mapping Guru

A learned Blacksmith but after 10 years practise in the Norwegian building industry a talented all-rounder. Now leading a team of very skilled guys to realize the dreams of our clients. Every now and then rebuilding his own Townhouse


Entrepreneur with green fields as his biggest love. Good nose and skilled eyes for locations and the hidden potential in things. Dutch but living with his family in beautiful Switzerland since 2008.


Bright, ambitious young mother, studied design at the Krakow University and is a big fan of the “less=more” philosophy with a skilled set of tools to realize the friendly user experience in every home or office.

UX Designer

Although no learned Graphic – Wally is a very talented artist able to visualize the key-points of every project. Driving a Mini Cooper because he believes it is the best designed car ever.

Graphic Designer